Publications & Press

Writing that Charlotte has Authored, Co-Authored & Related Press Links to her work.

Modernization of Congress Press

U.S.Chamber of Commerce: State of the American Union

Charlotte Lee speaks at US Chamber of Commerce 21st Annual State of the American Business 2020 with Moderator Suzanne Davis, President of US Chamber, Steve Case, Founder, AOL.

“Business Panel Tackles Workforce Skills Gap, Tariffs, and Immigration”

Thaddeus Swanek
Senior Writer and Editor, Strategic Communications

As an immigrant and entrepreneur Charlotte Lee, founder and CEO of Kastling Group, an IT consulting company, said immigrants not only have a different perception of risk, they can also add value to companies and communities.

“Risk, for immigrants, is almost a null issue. When we come over to this country, we don’t have anything… What’s everything, if you never had anything?” Lee said. “Immigrants… serve under-served communities, we go into really rough parts of cities, we take on businesses that other people don’t want to, we open at ungodly times. We run businesses that add value where there wasn’t any before.”

“U.S. Chamber: Businesses need gig economy, free trade, innovative thinking”

 Kim Souza ([email protected])

Charlotte Lee, founder and CEO of Kastling Group, who offers expertise in the custom enterprise solution development process, said immigrants have no issues with risk as they come to this country with nothing. Lee is a daughter of immigrants who ran a successful cookware business after immigrating to the U.S. When Lee graduated college, she began her own business.

“The thought of moving from 0 to 1 doesn’t look that daunting. Immigrant-run businesses look to add value in areas that are underserved. We go into depressed areas, work unconventional hours, seek underserved needs from laundry mats to convenience stores,” she said.

Based in Arlington, Va., her software enterprise development business has worked for the U.S. House of Representatives, U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, Department of Defense, Department of the Treasury, Department of Veterans Affairs, and Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation.

Medium: CX, IT Mod, and the Inner City Corner Store: Chronicles of a Family Business, Foretold.

I found myself exasperated at the sight of how busy this store was, and how I had to run to my next meeting downtown. My friend Michael, who manages the store told me, “This is where your strength will come from, not the opposite.” That made sense to me.

It’s sometimes very easy to get lost in the very intangible work of Federal Government when the results feel distant. It feels very far from the truth that advancing Government will help the communities that I see struggle. Yet, with this type of business, feels extremely close again. I feel it when an I see that patrons who use EBT/Food Programs by the USDA provide complaints about their enrollment processes to each other. I’m observing the absolute necessity of hard working Americans using these cards to buy meals for their families. It gives sustenance.

Medium: Where Empathy Fails, Let Tolerance Be Good Enough: CX Lessons from Community College.

1. Myth: Diversity is Normal and Therefore Easy!
Truth: Diversity Adds Complexities and is Difficult to Achieve

People are very different. Think about the dynamics of siblings. They probably have identical genetic material, had the same parents, the same degree of Maslow’s hierarchy met, the same education etc., etc. Then think about how much siblings fight about every big thing from philosophy, politics, and religion…to the menial things about the better Chinese restaurant or even a memory of an event that was shared 15 minutes ago. Dysfunction between these very similar specimens of humans is of Biblical proportions and Shakespearean dramatics. (Cain killed Abel just out of jealousy.) That is to say, diversity in both corporations and communities are incredibly important and priceless in benefits. However, diversity is not easy. More specifically, achieving harmonious diversity is an endless marathon. It’s time people stopped to empathize with the real challenges of diversity.

It is not supposed to be easy to optimize diverse teams, and it takes a particular type of leader to tackle diversity at any level. And, in order to provide excellent customer experience and service to an increasingly diverse global community, he/she must have a reverence for diversity and take up the fight for tolerance when needed.

Medium: Government CX 101 : CX vs UX, For Those Afraid to Ask and Feel the Ship has Sailed

Finally, a focus on CX in Government is a reiteration of the commitment to improve the lives of the American Public by delivering services anytime, anywhere on any device. It’s about improving the entire journey when the public needs a government service in their everyday lives, in times of emergency or at important life events. There are no shortcuts to CX improvements, but the payoff is huge. Improved CX directly contributes to trust in Government. There will be moments in every Agency’s longevity in which they will require the vocal praise and trust from the people we have sworn to serve.

The Customer Experience Playbook: American Council of Technology – Industry Advisory Council (ACT-IAC)

August 2018

ACT-IAC CX Playbook : Guide to Transform Service Delivery

FCW: Customer Experience Playbook

Fedscoop : ACT-IAC Pens Framework Agencies Reform Their CX

Journal of International and Public Affairs: The Ohio State University

Volume V Issue II Spring, 2013

Journal of International and Political Affairs